Emerge Georgia is offering our 2022 Candidate Boot Camp for Democratic self-identified women running in Georgia’s 2022 elections. This in-depth training program has been developed to give Democratic women the skills needed to turbocharge their campaigns, and become a part of Emerge’s strong network across the country.
Top political strategists and trainers will teach attendees critical elements of campaigning, including:
Campaign overview & structure
Developing campaign plan & strategy
Messaging and Media Relations
Social Media
Endorsements & Power Brokers
Field Campaigns
Public Speaking
And much more!
The 2022 Candidate Bootcamp training will be held between February 11th and February 26th, 2022 with a break for the President’s Day long weekend. The sessions will be held on the evening of February 11th, February 12th and 13th, evenings of February 15th, 22nd, and 24th, and the final day on Saturday, February 26th for a total of 25+ hours of instruction. All trainings will be held over Zoom.
Attendees who complete a boot camp will be considered Emerge alumnae and have access to alumnae resources, as well as continuing education opportunities for alumnae. Tuition for the program of $350 may be paid by personal or campaign committee accounts. Due to campaign finance regulations, Emerge and its affiliates cannot provide scholarships to boot camp participants. If cost is a prohibitive factor, please reach out to Maggie Chambers at maggie@emergega.org and we will work with you.
Applications for the boot camp are now closed. If you are interested in learning more about our programs, please contact maggie@emergega.org